About Us
Revamp Technologies, is a complete Information Technology dictionary, which quickly delivers accurate and truthful meaning to all needs and references made by its clients. Revamp Technologies provides enterprise wide solution to clients by mechanizing an unique and cost-effective solution to their most pressing challenges. The services that are offered are both at project level and on staffing basis. Another feather to its cap are its Strategic and innovative in-house projects and state of the art training center.
Each client is treated as a Strategic Business Unit for a clear and focused service. Our world-class solution centers are equipped to handle any complex job, with utmost care.
At Revamp Technologies, we constantly work to add value to our client's investment in Information Technology. It's no wonder that our clients say that we're an IT company that they count on.
Team Revamp Technologies, has a good experience in ERP Application Implementation. Our Experienced Engineers can serve the clients with Asp.net, Sql Server, Php, Mysql, Crystal Reports and Other Open source Customization.
Microsoft .Net
Microsoft's very own internet and desktop language. It brings the professionalism and integrity that many corporations demand. It scalable and can be used to create dynamic, interactive websites or desktop applications.
SQL Server
Microsoft’s own version of the Structured Query Language database. It is not to be confused with the open source mySQL. MS SQL is used primarily in conjunction with web applications running .NET
This is an open source database used by small and large websites alike. Praised for its scalability and ability to handle heavy traffic sites, mySQL is often the database technology of choice for Web 2.0 sites and small start up businesses.
Apache Php
Also known as Linux Apache PHP & mySQL to the non-techies. It's called a LAMP stack because it is comprised of all Open Source software. The majority of our web applications are coded using LAMP technologies because they have excellent reliability, can be run on the majority of servers, is cost effective and can easily be updated.
Not a programming language in its own right, it is a combination of technologies that gives added interactivity to a website and increases a user's experience. It is mostly used for features that can be considered as 'cool' rather than add anything substantial to a site. Most Web 2.0 sites make heavy use
A geeks dream, Drupal is an open source CMS with social networking capability. The open source nature means it can't always fulfil every need of a user, but with our Team’s help, you can turn your site that is 'almost right' in to a masterpiece.
Hard Workers
Year of experience
Customer support.
Team Revamp Technologies, has a good experience in ERP Application Implementation. Our Experienced Engineers can serve the clients with Asp.net, Sql Server, Php, Mysql, Crystal Reports and Other Open source Customization.
At Revamp Technologies, we constantly work to add value to our client's investment in Information Technology. It's no wonder that our clients say that we're an IT company that they count on.
Our Clients